Choose an object to explore. Set your timer. After 1 minute, list everything that you notice. After 2 minutes of looking, list additional observations. After 5 minutes of looking, list additional details. How did spending more time looking change your perception and/or understanding of the object? An object that I choose to explore was my led pencil. For the first minute, I pointed out the obvious like the colors it has, the wording it has on the side, etc. When I did the second timer I started to see more of the texture of the body and the led. In the 5 minutes, it was kinda hard to observe more I was thinking what else can I write down if I already pointed out the obvious of it. I took 2 minutes out of the 5 to think about what else I can observe. What came to mind was the sound it made and what it looks like when I take the bottom with a part off. Taking more time to look at and change my perception really helped me think outside the box from what w...